What Your HVAC Company Should Be Posting

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[HVAC] Making the Connection

There is a problem plaguing HVAC business pages on social media: they’re…so…boring…

It’s sad but true as many HVAC companies are strictly business and continuously asking for the sale.

Listen, you’re an HVAC company and a darn good one but when someone’s AC is blowing cold and they’ve jumped online after a hard day’s work, they don’t care about your sales pitch.

Asking for business is always encouraged on social media; however, there must be a balance and people want to know about what makes your company unique besides what you sell.

They want to know your why.

Why should they purchase from you?

Why are you any different from the competition?

And most importantly, why should they trust you?

Social media is all about making a connection.

This is social media after all so let’s get social.

Balance out those sales posts with some of these great ideas to add content to your social media strategy.


Post Things Happening In Your Community

One of the biggest opportunities missed by air conditioning companies is that they aren’t posting, tagging, and showcasing their community.

Customers can’t find you if they don’t know where you are and reminding them of your location can help bring more traffic to you.

A couple of ways business pages can showcase their community:

  • Post and share events being produced by other local businesses.
  • Attend events and post a picture or status with your location being shared.
  • Hashtag the name of the community you are in.
  • Create an “Area Served” section on your various online media to let customers know if they are able to be serviced.
  • Co-host events you are helping put on with other businesses and promote them on social media.

These are just a few of the many ways to communicate with your community via social media and a great way to add content to your marketing strategy for free.

Food Is Always a Crowd Pleaser

Food posts are a great way to reach and engage with your social media following.

Does your business have a secret Gordon Ramsey?

Highlight them!

People love recipes and tasty photos are almost as good as the real thing.

Even if your team aren’t the best of cooks, the Internet has so many recipes available to be shared via link or video that you can add these to your social media campaigns seamlessly.

Tips & Tricks Are a Must

Providing value to your customers and audience is not a choice.

If people don’t love what you are posting, there are so many alternatives nowadays you really won’t have a chance to capture and keep their attention from your competitors.

Every day people aren’t engulfed in the world of HVAC like the fine men and women of your air conditioning company. Show them tips & tricks that can help them save time and money and watch your following grow.

Provide enough value, and you can even slip in a few lighter calls-to-action within these types of posts. Instead of asking for a sale upfront, provide value, and leave your company as a resource in which to purchase a solution.

Industry Lingo and Terms

In the same manner that many people may be unaware of things to do or look out for regarding their air conditioning units, they also don’t know the lingo.

If you walk up to a random person on the street and asked them about the SEER rating on their HVAC unit and asked their opinion on their home’s IAQ, they’d probably give you a look of confusion so great it could be a meme.

Help them out by using acronym only after explaining to your audience what they mean.Get your social media following familiar with your company lingo.

You can also create additional content by providing your audience with definitions and meanings behind various terms to help them if there is ever an issue or they decide to research equipment for replacement or installation.

This is a great way in which your company has the opportunity to provide value by becoming a resource and add to your social media content.

[idea]PRO TIP: Show Up to Date Images & Videos of “The Process”

Life as an HVAC tech is pretty interesting and by showcasing that side of things to your audience, you have a fun way to interact, provide content, and continue to stay in your brand’s specific industry.

Showing scenarios of what can go wrong, how your company can fix it, and giving tips to look out for can go a long way in establishing trust with your audience.

The next time you’re on a job, take a few minutes and share with the world the solutions you are providing your customers. Go “Live” or post a Story” and watch the views add up![/idea]

Show Things That Go Against the Grain of the Mundane

Maybe someone in the office decided to treat the company to an impromptu juggling act.

Perhaps you met the world’s cutest kitten or friendliest dog on the job site.

Either way, the world wants to know and by showing fun company trips or things that show a human side to your business, you will connect with your audience in a more authentic way.

Success Stories & Reviews

Success stories and reviews really showcase a company's quality.

Reviews matter if you want new HVAC business.

It’s no secret that businesses want to build a good reputation and receive positive word-of-mouth from their previous customers; however, did you know that over 90% of consumers read reviews before making a purchase?

This isn’t just including those Amazon reviews, no, this also rings true for local businesses such as yourself.

Use the power of reviews on your side and ask satisfied customers for recommendations, positive reviews, or even testimonials, heck go one step further and ask for a video testimonial!

Including these types of endorsements can paint your company in a positive light and show the level of service you can provide your audience.

Add-Ons & Additional Offers for HVAC Customers

Possibly the most sales-oriented post we will mention here but nonetheless an important one.

Educating your audience in an informative way with calls-to-action that similarly to the Tips & Tricks section will position your company as a resource and can produce increased revenue.

If your air conditioning company also does things like:

  • Home inspections
  • Furnace repairs
  • Mold testing
  • Maintenance plans
  • Electrical work

But your customers never know about it, how can they know to purchase these goods or services from you? Just remember to limit these types of posts as it is SOCIAL media not SALES media!!

Let customers know about the various things you have to offer them and the other solutions your company can provide aside from your core offer.

A Resource for HVAC Companies and Their Online Marketing NeedsA marketing company can be a huge recourse for any HVAC company

For nearly a decade, Visibly Connected has positioned itself to provide businesses with online marketing solutions that show real results.

Everything from Search Engine Optimization to providing an ongoing social media presence that positions them above the competition is in our toolbox and we don’t rest until you see results.

Contact us today to get started improving your air conditioning company’s online marketing strategy!